Here, you will find more information on the product range of ts-systemfilter gmbh and on many topics related to filter technology.
If you find something is missing, let us know. We will send you the missing information immediately.
General product information
Product overview
Product overview (German/English)2 MB
Technical data
Type code100 KB
Certificate for the evaluation of the quality assurance system according to ATEX
Z-ATEX-QS-H005-24-EN.pdf169 KB
Product sheets
EL-SC10.12-E.pdf221 KB
PA-Silo-dedusting.pdf299 KB
Press releases
Are you in need of filter units or spare parts?
Use our inquiry forms. We will send you a free and non-binding offer.
Inquiry Filter apparatus Inquiry for spare parts General Inquiry
Any questions? We are happy to advise you - contact us.