Filter design
An essential parameter of the filter apparatus is the surface of the filter. It often is not identical with the total filter area. The usable filter area AF is the quotient of the air-quantity and fitration speed.
Most applications lie between a fitration speed of 0,5 and 2,5 m/min.
The extreme-area is between 0,2 and 0,5 m/min or 2,5 and 4 m/min. The usual pressure-loss at the filter lies between 50 and 200 mmWS.
There are different factors influencing the operation performance of the filter units. A few aof them are listed below:
- physical properties of the filter media, e. g.: cracking pressure air permeability
- dust, bulk material and their properties, e.g. bulk density, chemical composition etc.
- carrier gas , e.g. air volume, temperature, pressure and relative moisture
- construction of the filter apparatus, e.g. form of regeneration, geometry of the star filters
The filter-apparatus adequate for your application can easily be determined with the slide rule developed by ts-systemfilter gmbh.
The ts-systemfilter- slide rule for the design of filter systems
The slide rule developed by ts-systemfilter makes it easy to determine the right filter device for your application.
You can easily order one or more slide rules with our request form or alternatively download a digital version. A detailed description regarding the use of the slide rule can be found in the download area of our technical essay. You will also find an online description in the section Filter Knowledge.
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