46 years ts-systemfilter gmbh

46 patents stand for innovations to optimise your dedusting processes.

Founding of ts-systemfilter gmbh. It all began in a former police station in Boxberg. Following, the former premises of the primary school in Ahorn-Berolzheim served as the production location.


New company building at the present location in Ahorn-Berolzheim


First issued patent

  • Wiegevorrichtung zum Dosieren von Schüttgut / Weighing apparatus for metering bulk materials (DE000003611618C1)

Extension of the production hall


7 more patents granted

  • Zellenradschleuse für staubförmige bis körnige Schüttgüter (DE000003611583C2)
  • Vorrichtung zur Abreinigung von eine Filtereinheit bildenden Filterelementen, insbesondere Staubfilterelementen (DE000003016293C2)
  • Elektrisch gesteuerte Vorrichtung zur Ausfilterung von staubförmigem Gut (DE000002923849C2)
  • 3-Wege-Ventil / 3-Way valve / Soupape à 3-voies (EP000000340798A1)
  • Klappe zum verschliessen eines rohrartigen Auslaufs eines Schüttgutabscheiders / Valve for closing a tubular outlet of a bulk material separator / Clapet pour la fermeture d'un tube de déchargement ... (EP000000340799A1)
  • Closure flap for a tubular outlet of a bulk materials separator (WO001989010884A1)
  • Three-way valve (WO001989011053A1)

6 more patents granted

  • Vorrichtung zum Abscheiden überschüssigen Sprühmaterials beim Sprühauftragen von Nasslack / Device for precipitating overspray when spray coating with liquid paint / Dispositif de précipitation ... (EP000000356733A1)
  • Device for removing excess sprayed material during application by spraying of wet lacquer (WO001990001996A1)
  •  Membranventil mit einer von einem Ventildeckel abgestützten elastischen Membrane / Diaphragm valve with an elastic diaphragm supported by the valve cover / Vanne à diaphragme avec une membrane ... (EP000000367287A1)
  • A diaphragm valve with an elastic diaphragm supported ba y valve cover (WO001990005261A1)
  • 3/2-Wege-Ventil (DE000003815396C2)
  • Filter element with a star-shaped filter for a solid filter (WO001990011116A1)

5 more patents granted

  • 3-Wege-Ventil / Three-way valve / Vanne a trois voies (EP000000404839A1)
  • Membranventil mit einer von einem Ventildeckel abgestützten elastischen Membrane / A diaphragm valve with an elastic diaphragm supported by a valve cover / Soupape a diaphragme avec un diaphragme ... (EP000000412129A1)
  • Vorrichtung zum Abscheiden überschüssigen Sprühmaterials beim Sprühauftragen von Nasslack / Device for removing excess sprayed material during application by spraying of wet lacquer / Dispositif ... (EP000000440660A1)
  • Filtereinsatz mit Sternfilter für einen Feststoff-Filter (DE000003908828C2)
  • Rohrförmiges Faltfilterelement (DE000003439194C2)

4 more patents granted

  • Diaphragm valve with an elastic diaphragm braced by a valve cover (US000005108067A)
  • Klappe zum Verschließen eines rohrartigen Auslaufs eines Schüttgutabscheiders (DE000003815389C2)
  • Membranventil zur Druckluftabreinigung von Staubfilterelementen (DE000003303003C2)
  • Device for removing excess sprayed material during application by spraying of wet lacquer (US000005169417A)

patent no. 24

  • Device for precipitating overspray when spray coating with liquid paint (EP000000356733B1)

Slide rule for the design of filter apparatus


5 more patents granted

  • Filterapparat / Filtering Apparatus / Appareil de filtration (WO001994003258A1)
  • Membranventil mit einer von einem Ventildeckel abgestützten elastischen Membrane / Diaphragm valve with an elastic diaphragm supported by the valve cover / Vanne à diaphragme avec une membrane ... (EP000000367287B1)
  • Membranventil mit einer von einem Ventildeckel abgestützten elastischen Membrane (AT000000107003E)
  • Filter apparatus (US000005322536A)
  • Filterapparat / Filtering apparatus / Appareil de filtration (EP000000607403A1)

Technical essays: "Filter separation for dedusting the conveying air" and "Filter apparatus for the separation of bulk goods in on-line or off-line operation"


2 more patents granted

  • Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Filterelements (DE000003308086C2)
  • Filterapparat / Filtering apparatus / Appareil de filtration (EP000000607403B1)

32. patent granted

  • Filtereinsatz für einen Feststoff-Filter (DE000003818972C2)

Technical essay: "Base Filter Apparatus", 2 more patents granted

  • Regenerierungsfilterapparat / System for cleaning air filter elements (DE000019825616A1)
  • Ausgleichsfilterapparat / Gas filter with protection against peak pressures and surging (DE000019825638A1)

Technical essay: "Usable filter area with the star filter" und "Fully automatic filter systems for a dry mortar plant", 1 more patent granted

  • Explosionsschutzfilterapparat / Explosion protection filter device, especially for dissipating dust explosions, withstands reducing explosion pressure and safely dissipates explosion through ... (DE000019851229A1)


Technical essays: "Save compressed air with the silo filter and extend service life" and "Avoid dust explosions", 1 more patent granted

  • Elektrische gesteuerte Vorrichtung zur Ausfilterung von staubförmigen Gut / Electrically controlled filter unit for removing dust from gases, contains a micro-processor and enables all servo-valves ... (DE000010025234A1)


2 more patents granted

  • Entlastungsscheibe / Device and method for avoiding explosion caused during process of filtering inflammable dust-like material (DE000010308984A1)
  • Sauger für Staub, Schüttgut und dergleichen (DE000019625421B4)


Technical essays: "Residual dust and test reports" and "Dust explosions and their ignition"


Patent granted no. 39

  • Verwendung einer Endscheibe eines Sternfilters oder Patronenfilters mit Umreifung aus Kunststoff zur Abfederung eines Regenerierungsimpulses (DE000019915442B4)

patent granted no. 40

  • Filterapparat mit Druckausgleichsfunktion (DE000019526831B4)

Technical essay on the further development of the slide rule: "Design of filter apparatus by means of slide rule", 2 more patents granted

  • Verfahren zur Regenerierung der Filterfläche (DE000010011835B4)
  • Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Vermeidung einer Zonenverschleppung in einen explosionsfreien Raum (DE102006018398B4)

2 more patents granted

  • Verfahren zur Reinigung eines beladenen Filtermediums (DE000019723585B4)
  • Verfahren zur Ausfilterung von staubförmigem Gut aus einem Gas (DE000010230319B4)

2 more patents granted

  • Treibstrahl, um Ablagerungen in gefahrdrohender Menge auszuschließen (DE000010306652B4)
  • Sinterfilterkörperverbindung (DE000019904981B4)

Presentation of our mini filters "Breathable filter" and "Filter module" at the fair POWTECH. Small, compact, 12 bar pressure-resistant and equipped with cleanable H13 filter medium, they are used in many applications - even in ATEX and food areas. They are real all-rounders. Either as plug-in or top-mounted filters, they fulfil the tasks of suspended matter filtration. When using our new glass fibre-free H13 filter media, the secondary filter stage can be dispensed with. In highly sensitive areas, such as the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, our „minis“ can provide maximum process security as additional police filters. Optionally, they are expandable by activated carbon (e.g., for aromatics filtration).


The 93rd patent application of the company ts-systemfilter finally led, after an exceptionally long period of litigation, with the support of the Federal Ministry of Justice to grant a decision. The patent in question increases the safety of the filter apparatus in dust explosions. When dealing with combustible dusts (such as flour, sugar, or aluminum dust) it always comes back to explosions. These explosions release flames, dust and sparks, which can lead to secondary explosions. It describes a passive security element that detects and eliminates an explosion in its formation. If the elimination fails, the filter apparatus is additionally pressure relieved - comparable to an airbag in the car. If an explosion that begins in the filter passes through the filter unit, a signal is triggered by means of the explosion relief disk to abruptly decouple the system and activate an explosion suppression system. Should activation fail, the explosion blast will be delivered to the relief disc installed in the relief device. The pressure wave builds up a back pressure in the relief disk chamber, which in turn serves as a signal for decoupling the entire system and for activating the extinguishing agent lock and for triggering a snapshot slide and other safety devices.


Innovative industry solutions for a global energy transition: Innovations around the topic of sustainability, such as plasma-lysis for the production of CO2-free and CO2-negative hydrogen, lead to new dedusting tasks, which are mastered with the help of the ts-systemfilter filter apparatus, among other things.


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